The Institute for Justice regularly records podcasts featuring interviews with IJ clients and attorneys. We discuss the principles we fight for, as we advance a rule of law under which individuals can control their destinies as free and responsible members of society. IJ also publishes an email roundup of the week’s doings in the U.S. Courts of Appeal called Short CircuitSubscribe today.

Bound By Oath

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution requires every judge to be “bound by Oath” to uphold “this Constitution.” But to understand if judges are following that oath, it’s important to ask, “What is in ‘this Constitution’?” Your host John Ross takes a deep dive into the Constitution’s text, history, and characters, and interviews historians, legal scholars, and the real people involved in historic and contemporary cases.

Short Circuit

The Supreme Court decides a few dozen cases every year; federal appellate courts decide thousands. So if you love constitutional law, the circuit courts are where it’s at. Join us as we break down some of the week’s most intriguing appellate decisions with a unique brand of insight, wit, and passion for judicial engagement and the rule of law.

Beyond the Brief

Hear about the cases, issues, and tactics advancing IJ’s fight for freedom—directly from the people on the front lines. Beyond the Brief explores the legal theories, strategies, and methods IJ uses to bring about real world change, expanding individual liberty and ending abuses of government power. Each episode gives listeners an in-depth, inside look at how—and why—we do what we do.

Unpublished Opinions

What do Institute for Justice attorneys think about the law? Listen into their roundtable conversations where they give their unrehearsed and “unpublished” opinions on matters beyond the federal courts of appeals. From the latest Supreme Court cases to legal history to trial tactics, IJ attorneys have much to share and (politely, but spiritedly) disagree with each other about.

Short Circuit

Short Circuit 357 | Drama at the City Council Meeting

City council meetings are usually sparsely attended, low key, unwatched affairs. Except when they’re not. This week we have two cases where those in power […]

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Beyond the Brief

Mom Mistakenly Jailed.  Missed Christmas with Active Duty Son

On Christmas Eve 2022, Jennifer Heath Box got off a cruise ship in Florida, excited to return home to Texas and spend Christmas with her […]

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Bound By Oath

Special Weapons and Tactics | Season 3, Ep. 10

In 2020, a police SWAT team blew up Vicki Baker’s house after a fugitive barricaded himself inside. On this episode, we ask: who pays the […]

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Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished Opinions 10 | TikTok Law Review

John Wrench of IJ takes the reins and the show quickly descends into law review comedy hour with footnotes of puns dominating the discourse. If […]

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