September 23, 2019

If you are age 70½ or older, you can transfer up to $100,000 tax free from your IRA to qualified charitable organizations like the Institute for Justice. These kinds of gifts are great options for those who must take a required minimum distribution but don’t need the funds and don’t want to add to their taxable income for the year.

Making a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD, allows 100% of your hard-earned IRA dollars to go to work in support of IJ’s mission, rather than to fund an even bigger government. And these gifts are easy to make:

  1. Write to your IRA administrator.
  2.  Tell the administrator you want to make a qualified charitable distribution from your retirement account.
  3. Provide the administrator with IJ’s name, address, and tax ID number (52-1744337).

If you have questions or would like to learn more about giving to IJ through your IRA, please contact Megan Cook at or (703) 682-9320 ext. 230, or visit

Using an IRA check writing feature in 2019?
Your gift must arrive at IJ by December 15, 2019, to ensure it qualifies as a 2019 distribution.


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