IJ Attorney Scott Bullock Wins Koch Award

August 1, 2006

Institute for Humane Studies President Marty Zupan presents IJ Senior Attorney Scott Bullock with the IHS alumni award.

For his achievements in advancing the cause of liberty in a wide variety of cases, the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) named IJ Senior Attorney Scott Bullock the winner of the fourth annual “Charles G. Koch Outstanding Alumni Award.” Bullock attended IHS seminars while he was a college student and in law school. In addition to his litigation and public advocacy in defense of property rights, free speech and other constitutional causes at IJ, he frequently lectures at IHS programs, helping to teach and inspire another generation of fighters for freedom.

The annual IHS alumni award is named in honor of Wichita businessman Charles G. Koch in recognition of his long-time support and his keen interest in cultivating talented young people to advance the principles and practice of freedom. Each year, one alumnus of IHS programs who is making significant contributions toward that end is given the award.u


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