Become an Advocate
Looking for a way to promote job creation and jump-start local economies? Help us promote and protect entrepreneurship in each of Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods! You can help secure and expand economic liberty and community development here in Chicago.
Become a Client
Providing legal services to entrepreneurial clients is the heart of our mission at the IJ Clinic. Instead of being a walk-in service or assisting business owners on a single project, we forge meaningful, long-term relationships with a small group of clients and focus our resources on helping them achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.
Get Involved with South Side Pitch!
Every year, South Side of Chicago small businesses participate in South Side Pitch, sharing stories about their roots, their impact, and their visions for the future, and a chance to win cash prizes totaling over $31,000! Learn more about how you can get involved to apply or support South Side Pitch!
Get Involved in Our Policy Work!
The IJ Clinic advocates for economic liberty, so entrepreneurs from Chicago’s inner city can chart their own courses in life, build up neighborhoods and create jobs. Check out some of our current policy projects and advocacy work!
Resources for Chicago Entrepreneurs
In late summer 2024, the IJ Clinic will launch a dynamic flow chart of resources that Chicago area entrepreneurs can use a prime index for resources to business services, legal services, and much more!